Tell them NOTHING!
Amongst the sellers today was a stall surveying our customers asking personal questions about your household bills and for taking part in the survey and also parting with your home address & mobile number. They claim that you will be entered into a competition for a Mini Car WALOBS! You have more chance of King Kong moving next door to you and eating your grandchildren than winning a Mini.
Tell them NOTHING because your address and all your personal details are then sold on and on and on and you become a target for all sorts of unwanted crap in you mail box.
But here is the best tip if you want to know how to get the best possible deal on your household bills and Insurance quotes then search the Internet yourself it is amazing how much you can save and if you do not have a pc or a laptop then but one. Our Phyllis is 87 years old and loves her laptop.
So keep your information private to yourself, tell them sod-all!