Thanks but NO THANKS!
We are often getting told ‘you should get a boot sale here or there’ but not many come to fruition because of poor locations or distances away from housing or people.
Over the weekend we were advised to go to Geevor Tin Mine near Pendeen which on looking at GOOGLE Earth is far away from the madding crowds so that one was a NO!
Next we were told you must go to St EWE I asked several people on Sunday but no-one knew where it was, the field and village hall were not seen on Google Earth and the location on B roads would not have suited our volumes of traffic, we would be berrer off on the moon!
It is really nice of those who look for locations for us to try Car Boot Sales so the first thing to remember is that if we take up your suggestions and we actually open at your chosen and recommended site we will pay £500.00 cash reward BUT for it to be successful the venue and surrounding areas will be impacted by up to 1000 vehicles in a two hour period and for us to set up a new Car Boot Sale we are talking about a setting up cost of over £3000.00 but our number ONE priority is for PUBLIC SAFETY!!
Any ideas welcome particularly INDOORS!