The Gold Pass passes on…….
21 years ago we started Car Boot Cornwall and over the early years we met some wonderful people who helped us in may ways as we built up the reputation of our Car Boot Sales at the various locations.
As a gesture of goodwill I decided as a ‘THANK YOU’ to a few dedicated and loyal supporters we would give them a GOLD PASS that entitled them to free admission for themselves and one guest.
The holders (30 in all) appreciated the gesture but you always get someone who want to bend the system.
We received complaints from some customers who did not have the pass that the system was unfair
as it was being abused by the minority of holders.
After checking we found that the pass was being loaned to other persons, photocopies were made and the false passes used but the straw that broke the camels back was to drive in with 4 persons in the car show the Gold Pass and say the next car with another 4 persons is with me, gaining unfairly free admission for 8 persons!