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The promised heavy rains ended up with one pathetic shower!

BBC once again panicked the South West public into staying away from our main event of the Sunday Car Boot Calendar MABE at 1.30pm over this weekend when the sodden BBC got it all wrong once again! I can understand reluctant sellers staying away “because the forecast is for heavy rain” but for those sellers who had the balls to say “sod it we are selling” were the real winners of the day! I decided from very early in the morning MABE is going ahead especially when I heard that HAYLE had cancelled due to ground conditions and our phones rang non-stop during the day plus over 1200 hits on this websites to seek any updates and latest information.

So the sellers seriously reduced in numbers arrived and at 1.00pm I parked them up with this HUGE cloud hanging up above the entire selling and parking area and Louise is panicking that I start the sale earlier to give the sellers a better chance of getting reasonable takings! At about 1.15 it started showering and umbrellas were covering the crowds of buyers so in fairness to all concerned I blasted the horn for the sale to start! As the buyers rushed in headed by Marge and her gang of swingers the shower got heavier and then two minutes later it was all over with NO MORE RAIN and believe me the sellers took really good money with BARGAINS galore as people went backwards and forwards to their cars carrying their latest possessions. With approximately 1800 men women and kids of all ages thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon because they took NO NOTICE of the bloody BEEB and its forecast cos they got it wrong AGAIN! The Pillock’s!
Only one incident with a dog emptying its body almost at my feet but the owner did the right this as she presented a poo bag and swooped up the crap in the nicest possible way which put me off my lunch! By the way, we do not have POO BINS but it is ok for you to put the bags into the loos but please FLUSH them and whilst we are on the same loo subject could I ask the men to aim with more accuracy and lift the seat out of courtesy to the young kids and the ladies. We did put signs on for ladies and gents apparently the majority of men could not read!

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