The story of 3 dogs!
Story TWO Collapsed;
Readers will remember two year ago we had a very young child taken seriously ill and it was necessary for Air Ambulance to be called to collect the kid from the Car Boot. The helicopter landed in the parking field with 100% cooperation from all of our customers.
Customers were told ‘a little girl was taken seriously ill’
The following week a distraught lady came to advise me that a dog had collapsed and what can you do please? With over 2500 people on site fainting dogs are not a priority of mine however I said I would get some cold water from the catering and take it to the dog! I was urged “Please hurry” intimating I should run to get the bottle of iced water. I took the bottle to the area the dog had collapsed, there were up to 20 people rubber necking and observing and offering stupidity with advice as to what should be done!
The concern was immense as I emptied the cold water on the dogs head and its gob and ‘hey presto’ the dog came round and lived to tell the story.
Now then, after the dog incident I received several texts and phone calls and one email asking about the dog?
The following week several buyers and sellers were asking about ‘What happened to the dog’?
Yet NO-ONE asked about the little girl who was taken away by Air Ambulance the week before.
For your information the little girl is fine and was diagnosed as being overcome by the heat of the sun so too was the little dog.
So is your dog your best friend? Louise came home sober one day and her dog bit her!
Footnote; I am thinking of BANNING dogs in the selling area during the main season, your comments please?
Ps.The owner forgot to pay for the water. TFOS?