There is no point in being rude about CANCELLED Car Boot Sales
The weather is totally outside of our control and the majority of sensible people have realised that it would be impossible for our GRASSED locations to operate Car Boot Sales whilst the grounds are so wet. Just imagine allowing up to 1000 vehicles onto soggy grounds which would ruin the farmers lands for the whole of the season!!
Similarly with HAYLE RUGBY CLUB grounds the locations is firstly a number one sports ground and their absolute priority is for the playing fields to be in tip top condition for their players! The grounds are NOT suitable for the Car Boot Sale so the start date for their Car Boot Sale has had to be postponed until next Sunday which is subject to weather conditions.
MABE MITCHELL and NEWQUAY are in the same predicament and I cannot allow Car Boot Sales to start until the ground conditions have improved. To most people this is common sense, but we get constant phone calls demanding to know why the Car Boot Sales have not started and when we explain about the ground conditions we are met with offensive replies and total rudeness from the minority of callers.
With immediate effect we will only have an answerphone message detailing what Car Boot Sales are on and will not answer any calls until the season restarts, similarly we cannot reply to texts therefore it is best for all enquirers to get their information from our HOME PAGE which will detail the latest information.
Last Sunday morning (whilst I was in church) we had a lady telephone at 7.30 in the morning to ask “When WAITROSE opens is it going to affect the Car Boot Sales at Truro Cattle Market”? WTF! What a bloody stupid question because WAITROSE will not open for at least two years and they have not even laid the foundation let alone any bricks you complete nutcase! Go back to bed!!