To cancel or not to cancel ?
On Wednesday Lou looked at the weather forecast for Thursday on the BBC and rain was most definitely over the South West during the times of the Car Boot Sale at PAR ! Taking into consideration that as a gesture of goodwill we allowed the sale to go ahead last week with only 7 sellers which to those with an intelligent mind could work out would represent a financial loss to ourselves and our Landlords.
After announcing the cancellation due to the forecast of rain we received only 2 complaints from Deidre & Felicity that we had made the wrong decision yet neither of the complainants were amongst the 7 sellers of the previous week ?
If the forecast changes then so be it but time and time again I have run Car Boot Sales in dreadful weather conditions making it FREE to sellers and FREE to buyers totally as a gesture of GOODWILL from CARBOOTSCORNWALL to our public and yet no-one comes up to say “THANKYOU”
The complainants should engage ‘brain before complain’ and realize the costs involved in running any of our sales. There are costs of fuel and staffing and a loss of revenue and rents to ourselves and our Landlords.
If however todays event was an indoor event it would most definitely have gone ahead and for the record it is now Thursday at 6.00 am and its pigging mizzling & drizzling in Mabe & Falmouth.
Sunday however WILL go ahead at TRURO and it will probably be indoors and it will NOT NOT NOT be FREE!!
Ps; And stop complaining that I have not put anything of Geoff Says I have been away and had a lovely holiday trouble is I had to bring her indoors back with me! I promise to add more on Friday but I have been pretty stressed out with my in-laws staying who left yesterday but refused to take her indoors with them. To say I have missed all you would be an overstatement so I wont bother my lovers!