To Catch a thief-Sunday at MABE! Gotcha! CORNWALL’S own plebgate! Latest!
UPDATED 09.05.2013
You will remember I told you we would be recording all of our Car Boot events in the interest of security for all concerned we have now had time to look at the film of the opening of MABE last Sunday. We have identified the man and his team who stole the BLUE bike from a charity stall. We have full filmed evidence of the four men as they entered and when they departed with the stolen bike.
Do you know this man in the front of the picture with the bike?
I absolutely knew that our gypsies who come to all of our sales did not steal the bike however I am reliably informed there were some gypsies from Wales and that one of them had a T-shirt advertising a scrap metal firm with the phone number? Obviously a very professional team of thieves from Wales-enough said!
LATEST: Look to the right of the picture to a man with a gold design on his T shirt he and three others in that group are part of the scam to steal the bike. What else was stolen? You the public that’s buyers and sellers must take more care in looking after your own property.
What happened was all recorded on our in car security system, the five men were seen coming into the selling fields at the start of the car boot with up to 4000 other people. The bike is stolen in the rush and run down from the top of the field and left behind the ‘pound-a-bowl fruit stall’ witnessed by Welsh Babs and Phyllis. The man collects the bike and takes it out to the car park whilst his gang wait for his return! Very clever! But, we have pictures of the entire incident so you bad buggers from Wales WE want our bike back!!
Love is in the air!
Arlin slept throughout the entire incident he is ‘the one who never smiles’ he is so in love which explains his sleeping during the day, his gorgeous partner Rachel allows him to smoke, that’s terrible! Yuck! Wait till his mother finds out. I wouldn’t smoke! Well, certainly not tobacco or nicotine but……
COMING SOON to a place near YOU Car Boot Sales on WEDNESDAYS at LONG ROCK at 1.30pm
Oh, thank goodness for that said more than several sellers ‘we wont have to get up at 4.00 in the morning to start queuing’