Today at TRURO Car Boot Sale, what a pleasure! Posted: 13/12/2015
Today at TRURO Car Boot Sale, what a pleasure! Posted: 13/12/2015 Lou and me are still reeling from the grossly offensive complaint that Car Boots Cornwall refused admission to a blind person with a guide dog reported by the Newquay Voice in their alleged ‘local newspaper’ without having the courtesy to check with us to ascertain if there was any truth in the story. The story was a load of old bollocks which is what the Newquay Voice is well known for printing, however the newspapers themselves are also well known for lighting fires or cutting up in bum sized pieces and stringing up and hanging in your outside netty (toilet) as bum wipes FFS! According to some of Geoff Says followers it seems that as I have not contributed to Geoff Says they think perhaps its because customers thought that I was worried that I may be too rude to someone. That is most certainly not the case, I am never rude to people but I do just says it like I sees it and if I think someone is a complete arsehole then I shall say it especially to people like Prime Ministers and those rich B’stards and WARMONGERS Tony Blair and David fricking Cameron! And yes, I still believe we should not be in this stupid war in Syria because its none of our business and because all the refugees want to flood into this country where we do not have enough housing for our own populations FFS! However, the genuine refugees are all human and deserve to have a home to live, I cannot imagine what dreadful lives they are living especially the poor children who do not deserve such unhappiness. So when all of these over 200 World Leaders they had this BIG meeting about CLIMATE changes which by the way wont be fully enacted and implemented for another 85 years FFS by which time we, thats you and me FFS is all dead and buried and memories of us will be like a grain of sand So who really GAF anyway but why oh why TF didnt they also agree that populations must be reduced by the millions and the millions more Worldwide at the same time because there is so much enjoyable but careless shagging going on all around the World but no-one is wearing condoms so poor little innocent babies are brought into this god dammed fecking awful world we live in with every possibility the poor little buggers will only know poverty for all of their lives so Jeremy (know all) Kyle isnt achieving much with his put something on the end it campaign and his protests is it? I heard him ranting the other day Why dont I get a lot of sex like you lot? Simple, no-one wants to shag a Womble! Remember youre a Womble! Remember youre a Womble. Hilarious dears FFS! Truro Cattle Market today was an absolute pleasure to run with such a great atmosphere amongst our regular regulars. Its now winter so all the tourists (whom we will welcome back-next year with open arms-we need your dosh dears. X) Have all gone back up country to their homes and life here in Cornwall is so much friendlier during the winter months. Today over 40 sellers with over 800 buyers and their kids who were extremely well behaved today the crafty little buggers cos they certainly had some super toys and games bought for them for Christmas pressies. A great Truro atmosphere and it seems that almost everyone knew each other so they enjoyed the rare 10 minutes of sunshine followed by heavy clouds but at least it was a dry day. There were some stunning bargains and I am trying to track down a picture of todays absolute BARGAIN a solid gold Vesta case bought for £3.00 and worth up to £500.00 bought today at TRURO Car Boot Sale! What a BARGAIN!! Some blokie came up to me today and said Are you Mr FFS? (I creased up laughing) He says he had-had something stolen from his stall and as a wind-up one of our regulars said Go and tell Mr FFS about it He was not amused with my permanent grin but I told him it would have been his own stupid fault for not keeping his eyes on his stock, by the time he had got back to his stall, guess what? Something else had been nicked from the same stall FFS!! Well thats what he says the daft looking hen pecked Cornishman overly fed YFB husband that he was, so he was FFS! I did get a very strong feeling when meeting his bossy boots wife that he might be heading for a kick in the goolies for causing me so much embarrassment and sent to bed early without no tea FFS! Who yer gonna blame? Only you mate. Thank you to so many people whom we have known for years for your loyalty to CBC and our Car Boot Sales and a special thank you to you personally, thank you my lovers! And Marge, we love you just that little bit more each year. Take care one and all. XX