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Today’s email from up-country!

Liz (


Hi Geoff and Lou,

I was just browsing your site to see if any dates had been set for the new car boot season and came across the extremely abusive email from someone complaining about the banning of dogs and being exceptionally rude about your staff.
We come down to our caravan in Cornwall about 5 times throughout the car boot season and have always found yourself, Lou and all the staff to be extremely courteous and helpful.

We have been to numerous car boots in other parts of the country and yours, without a doubt, are the best run ones we have visited. I’m quite sure that there are lots of attractions and some of the beaches too where dogs are not allowed and feel it is up to the responsible dog owner to arrange the needs of their dog without expecting you and your staff to do it.
They had obviously not bothered to even look at the reason given for the ban at Mitchell before they began their ridiculous rant. It did however give our family a laugh at the sheer stupidity of the comments!!
Anyway, we hope that fields permitting we will be able to visit some of the car boots from Easter onwards. Keep up the good work.

Best wishes,

Liz and family

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