Truro Saturday 14th July! Was it you?
Saturday mornings at about 5.00 I put the signs out in Truro for the Car Boot Sale that starts at 10.00am the real reason I go out that early is the roads are so quiet and Truro looks great when its asleep! I open the gates and put all the directional signs in place so sellers can arrive and queue until our team start working at 8.30am trouble is I forgot to open the toilets and relied on the catering staff to open up but they were late.
When I came back to the Cattle Market just after 9.00 Rachel said ‘there has been complaints they want the toilets open urgently’
Waiting outside the loo’s were three men who looked decidedly agitated with one BALD bloke gesturing to his watch and me ‘Where the fook have you been’ to which I replied ‘You must be taking the piss’ After opening the door acting like I was having an attack of the shakes I eventually find the right key and was told to fook off for having a sense of humour!
Next I go to the queue of cars waiting to sell and find out the first 4 sellers (all ladies) had arrived at 7.30am so I mentioned the men at the loo! ‘I dont know what is wrong with men nowadays why cant they take a leak in the hedges’ to which three of the ladies chanted “WE DID”
I can confirm on searching through the closed circuit TV pictures that the above mention ladies were in fact telling the truth!
These pictures will be available on this site soon unless the ladies pay a fine for ruining the grasslands at Truro’s Cattle Market!!
What would you do? Me, myself, I will try to sell the pictures because I am sure I recognise one of them (Gail) making a big ASS of herself!
The BALD bloke ? GFY are you incontinent or something?
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