Tuesday and Thursday a complete loss for many!
On Tuesday I arrived at Newquay Circus Fields with about 14 traders waiting to see if the Car Boot was going ahead because the grounds were a sea of mud with vehicles skidding causing their tyres to rip out the grassings so unfortunately we had to cancel the sale. On Thursday at 7.00 am I carried out an inspection of the same grounds which had not dried at all my vehicle skidded so badly I had to reverse out of the skids. I spoke with the Landlord and we both decided it would be too dangerous to proceed with the event and in the interest of public safety we cancelled.
Lou put the decision on our website and we contact others through our ‘FREE’ text service to advise of last minute changes. That brings a total of 50 rained-off events this year whereas last year we were rained off 37 dates. Our PUBLIC LIABILITY Insurers would have thought we would have been irresponsible if we had gone ahead with the sales on Tuesday & Thursday and we are sorry for all the inconveniences caused to buyers and sellers, we have all had a pretty crap year so far but some customers are telling me that September & October are going to be great months weather-wise or is that just a hope and a dream! May all your hopes and dreams come true my lovers!
We have lost so much this year we are thinking of asking Marge to lend us a couple of bob please, every time we see her its raining, could it be a bad omen? X