Tuesday at Newquay and the bloody BBC got it wrong again!
Poor forecasting by the BBC does very little to enhance our business and is even worse for the sellers who decide “the BBC says its gonna rain” so we wont sell today! Over 60 sellers decided to brave the bad weather which did not arrive. It really pisses me off when the BEEB forecasts so badly that people decide ‘let’s stay at home for the day’ And you get local these local TV weather presenters who could surely do well by going around some of our car boot sales to buy something decent to wear, some of the clothes the lady presenters wear would be better ‘destined to dusters’ cos they look out of the arc!
Nice ladies they are but I think they must have fun in the studio ‘who can wear the worst outfit’ My missus bought a brand new with tags top from the boot sale, when she tried it on it looks hideous ‘donate that to the BBC local weather presenters’ I suggested but no she insisted on wearing it!
I am not being rude but I think it should belong to a lady who must have THREE boobs two on the front and the largest one in the middle of her back, as ugly as sin but great fun to dance with. Send it to mother dear!!
On the serious side a seller gentleman we have known for years called an ambulance because he felt as though he had had a stroke at his stall. The paramedics gent arrived and decided to organise an ambulance immediately to take the seller to hospital. Rachel and I packed up and secured the mans car with all his selling items as he was duly rushed to hospital I cannot report any further until Thursday however I must praised the Emergency Services for their prompt attention and their efficiency in caring for our customer. Thank you! Geoff X