Two Little Boys!
Friday; Falmouth Rugby Club now in our 24th year!
Great day at Falmouth and at last the Rugby Club has allowed us to go onto the ‘dead ball GRASSED areas’ for selling and parking which caused a lot of pleasure to our sellers and buyers. The ground conditions have always been the subject of complaints over the years and it is high time the COUNCIL who are the owners of this land to do the decent thing and provide a tarmac surface for the Falmouth Rugby Club before there is a serious accident.
Shortly before I parked up all of the seller’s two young lads came up laden with carrier bags to ask if they could sell without a car, they had needed some pocket money and decided to get rid of all their unwanted books and toys so raided their bedrooms and were ready for the sale! I parked them just behind my car and the deal was they would come to me at the end of the sale and pay me the rent they thought would be fair to them and me!
The sale started with over 70 sellers and about 1800 people in all turned up to the event, I noticed the lads had displayed a really tidy stall on the ground on a borrowed blanket and several customers were buying bits and bobs from them and I was pleased with them for making such a determined effort.
Towards the end of the sale I mentioned to Lou about the boys and said I would go get some rent from them. Guess what? They had ‘buggered off’ without paying which is exactly what I would have done at the same age! Little brats!
Just imagine me having to explain to Lou I had been CONNED by 2 little boys of about 9 years old.
Ps; But I do know their mums and I am quite good at telling tales! Hah!
Proud to be part of the COMMUNITY.