TWO out of three aint bad!
With the dreadful weather we have had lately it was nice to see good crowds at Truro and Wadebridge yesterday and most sellers rose to the challenge of providing some real BARGAINS at both locations………A great atmosphere particularly at Wadebridge with lots of compliments about this spectacular showground and how nice the locals are to deal with.
You always get one moaner ‘Why has everyone gone so early I have only taken fifty quid’?
I saw this mans stall when he had set up my opinion was the majority would have been better off in a SKIP!
FIFTY QUID!’It was your lucky day son!
Everyone missed MITCHELL but with luck on our side we will return there on the 21st July that is assuming the weather improves, but I have put an EXTRA Car Boot on for SUNDAY 15th at Newquay Circus fields at 5.00 pm
You could do well as buyer or seller to do both of these locations ‘Make hay while the sun shines’ (if the SUN shines-more like)
6 pictures;