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On Wednesday KIM started our first ever FREE to sell Car Boot Sale and we were all chuffed at the result.
The weather all round was forecast light showers which put a lot of sellers off however we had over 60 plucky sellers brave the miserable rain.

Kim is coming from the other side of the counter to take charge of PADSTOW she is a local lady who is most popular with sellers customers and her neighbours.

It was her suggestion that we did Car Boot Sales in Padstow and introduced us to Brian the gentleman Landlord.

The 50 pence admission price is a BARGAIN and the saving to our sellers helps towards petrol costs.
A great day! Game on ROSEUDGEON says our KIM!!

It was a good week for KIM she had a bet that her Car Boot Sale would be better than CAMBORNE on its first week!
She won! It pissed down all day! But we did get a day off!

ps; We have moved the LOOS at Newquay to the right side of the entrance following a complaint from ANN about men not locking the loo doors!
She opened the door of one of the loos last week and there stood a GIANT man exposing his BUTT having a pee! She frightened him so much he turned around to FLEE the scene!

I witnessed this incident and cannot repeat the three-way conversation something about ‘little willy’

First time I have seen a bloke running to his stall pulling his pants up as I ‘fired the horn’ for the Car Boot Sale to start!! Well timed!! Any DVD a pound-clue!

The complainant! ANN again!

We love you Ann which reminds me some bloke at MABE shouted at high voice ‘I love you Geoff’ from the queue to me as I was parking cars!
Nice one! Great laugh!
Love you all!

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