Watch out! there’s a thief about and I will prosecute!! FFS!!
A mother with her two children came to talk to me as a matter of urgency “You see those two ladies going to their car, one of them stole from my stall last week” ‘Are you prepared to confront them?’ I asked. “Yes I am, but it is probably too late and she would only deny it” We made arrangements that in future she would point out the alleged thief (thieves?) when she next sees them however I know the persons mother is accusing and I will watch them and their actions around our sellers stalls. If we do catch any person(s) stealing we will without doubt call the Police and asked for the alleged offender(s) to be arrested with a view to prosecuting. Do not steal from our sellers we are increasing our filming of all our Car Boot Sales in the interest of our sellers or you our buyers,our customers. Thank you, Geoff at CBC.