We lost! Whatever!
Whilst other countries are positively boasting and gloating at England’s dismal efforts and eventual expulsion from the World Cup ‘our boys are coming home’ to what I would wish them is a happy retirement. Also on my retirement wish are all of the bloody TV commentators and so called experts who try to jolly along the public with the utter bull shit they talk in their commentaries and analyses of what we have just witnessed with our own eyes.
In all sincerity we knew England would lose because we were not good enough, but remember this Uruguay who beat us has a population of just under three and a half million people and yet they have found a team of players to out play and beat us!
Yet we have a population of over 100 million and we cannot find a team amongst that lot! Come on Britain sort it out!
Well done Uruguay and Luis Suarez, hope you go all the way!
Come home boys and see me in my office first thing Monday Morning and I will really tell you what I think, personally I couldn’t give a toss!
Ps; I was at Butlin’s as Entertainments Manager at Skegness in 1966 when England won the World Cup and the atmosphere was incredible with virgins a popping a plenty during The Final week but that is another story!