Weekend news and PAR MARKET!
Sunday was the last Hayle Car Boot Sale for this season and I am chuffed that the organisers have received so many compliments from our customers saying it is now a pleasure to go to their sales which are fair to the seller and fair to the buyer however it is fair to add that there should be a wider variety of people selling the plants and a better choice of foods available to the public.
I recently changed the catering that was offered to our buyers and sellers and the compliments are astounding for the teams of young ENTREPENEURS who have produced a great variety of foods for you our customers. Our own Car Boots Catering units are almost ready for use but I believe the lads deserve to run to the end of the season as a tribute to their imagination and flair with their presentation of nice foods.
MABE was well supported yesterday although I believe it was a sellers day and the most of them would have taken very-very good money, during my survey one man joked “I have only taken a hundred and fifty quid” but I also heard of one stall who sold their CAR as well as having a GREAT sell out on their stall, which reminds me someone drove out of Newquay recently and said to me “I have taken ONE THOUSAND two hundred pounds today which includes this car and he has paid so I am delivering to him” I saw the car which in my opinion was not worth the money so to wind the regular seller up I said “What a rip off how dare you con my customers like that” and he went berserk with me! “Your buyer should have gone to Specsavers” I offered “and by the way did you not know that you have to pay 5% in additional to your stall fee for selling the car”? Some people don’t have a sense of humour!!
How many times do you read me telling people to get some exercise and come out into the country for the fresh air and a WALK!! Today all the medical experts are saying that thousands of people die each year through NOT exercising and GOING for a WALK!!
You must get up and GO 4 IT my lovers no use sitting their doing nowt!! “WALK yer bugger” is what they say in the North East and its a good expression and bring Mother!!
We will start our Car Boot Sales on Thursday the 7th of November and I am asking all customers who either want to buy or sell to let me know ‘WHAT TIME’ you think the sale should START?
We are considering a second day but again we need advice and peoples opinions?
Also LISKEARD is another venue we are looking to run Car Boot Sales, your comments would be appreciated to geffers999hotmail.com
Take advantage of the good weather its very near to END OF SEASON but its not time to cry, not yet anyway!