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What a lovely day at MItchell yesterday!

Just over 40 sellers at Truro yesterday who took good money at the Cattle Market well supported by the Saturday crowd of buyers who make a day of supporting our Car Boot Sales. The majority follow on to the last sale of the day at Mitchell as yesterday and until 6th of JULY no more car boots due to the preparations for The Royal Cornwall Show. It was very busy with over 4000 visits including sellers, buyers, mums and dads and then there all the kids. Someone asked me to run an adults only Car Boot cos they were sick of KIDS! ‘Well isn’t that tough you miserable old fart’ and then I get the moaners who say pushchairs should be banned. However more complaints about dogs so we are going to do a dog count over the next two weeks and please dog owners bring some crap sacks with you! Could it be decision time against LARGE dogs and did you see the woman yesterday with a dog about the size of child buffalo and she paraded around with the BEAST with a ‘who is looking at ME’ attitude and attention seeking for the duration of her stay and she spent SOD ALL!! Apart from 50p admission which I would happily refund, we are not a pigging DOG SHOW so don’t bring your mini horses to my Car Boot Show! What value you lot get is unfathomable my lovers!

Back to Truro I chatted with Cher and was shown her £2.00 alleged bargain which I thought was a log for the fire, Cher was undaunted by my rudeness and proudly let me photograph the hippopotamus. I dearly love Cher and her husband but isn’t it amazing the crap some people buy, I would have brought the Hippo
home split it in two and put it on the fire! Two quid? Ripped off! Love you Cher, oh and by the way I have got to mention your hair its beautiful absolutely beautiful!
I often wish my Louise had straight hair at times its like living with someone with a hundred Brillo pads on her head, frightens the life out of me at times. During last night she was snoring so badly I got the torch and shone it in her face to see if that would shut her up, what a bloody shock! For better for worse! Whatever!!


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