Who is this man? UPDATED Sunday 25th August
From geoff camden wiles ()
Sent: 22 August 2013 18:47:37
To: Becky Steadman ()
I need a statement from you as to what exactly happened from start to finish then I will print the story in Geoff Says however we have to be very very careful to ensure our facts are correct. Give this some thought please. I am certain the man did what was claimed but who witnessed besides the Auntie?
From: Becky Steadman ()
Sent: 23 August 2013 11:37:25
To: geoff camden wiles ()
The little girl told her Aunt “that man just took a picture up my skirt”. The Lady (Aunt) also confirmed that she heard the man’s iPhone make the same noise that it does when it takes a picture. Another person that was with them said he was stood right next to her and the camera did go off.
When I stood with the lady she pointed out the man and said ‘that is the man’. She said it very quietly and the man was too far away to hear her say it and was stood next to his wife at a stall.
He saw me stood with the lady and I could see he became instantly nervous and stood staring at me and the lady.
I could see he was about to make his excuses to his wife and exit because he was uncomfortable in case I approached him so I did before he had a chance to get away.
I said words to the effect of ‘hello sir is it possible for you to come with me as I need to ask you to leave our Car boot”… To my surprise before I could finish “hello sir is it…” The man turned to his wife and said “I didn’t do anything”.
I then repeated myself and said ‘you need to come with me as I have had two reports of you taking photographs up a young girl’s skirt”. He then turned to his wife and shakily said “I didn’t do anything” and again to me “I didn’t, I didn’t do anything”.
In my opinion I would say he most certainly did what the young lady and her Aunt said because he said to his wife “I didn’t do anything” prior to me saying what it was I have had reported to me. He at no point said he would never do something like that or he’s disgusted to be accused or anything… Furthermore his wife was in no way shocked or surprised, she at no point stood up for him and she said “ok we will leave now, can I please find my children first”.
The man then said nothing and I asked him to stand in front of the van and let me take a picture of his face so we know never to let him into one of our Car boot’s again!!!
Bex x
UPDATE; I now understand the family concerned were holidaymakers and reported this very isolated incident to the Police.
It would also seem the pervert was a visitor to Cornwall, I am sure he will not return but it would have been nice for the Mother to at least get one slap across this smug gits face!