Posted on HOME PAGE 13/11/2019
THURSDAYS mid-week winter Car Boot Sales at TRURO Cattle Market n THURSDAY 21st NOVEMBER at 11.00 am CAR sellers for £5.00 only
‘Housewives choice’ Car Boot at Truro on Thursdays from the 21st of this month! All CAR SELLERS can sell for only £5.00 estates and 4 x 4 £7.00 Vans from £8.00 trailers extra £3.00 Earlies extra £3.00 I have sought out many views from our lady customers who have asked emphatically that the start time is 11.00 am which gives mums chance to get the kids off to school have some breakfast then spend a couple of hours at the Car Boot to make some extra money for Christmas. ………………………………………… I am not convinced I have made the right decision regarding the change of time on SUNDAYS at TRURO after listening to requests to change to 10.00 am lets see what happens this week and to those few what said ‘told you so people don’t want Car Boot Sales so early in the morning which is a load of bollix because Hayle and Rosudgeon start early in the morning and for the record Truro many years ago used to start at 8.00 am very successfully on Saturday until Mitchell came along hence the time changes. Happy Birthday to Ann who not only asked for the time change at Truro but today Sunday the 12th November is her 59th birthday and her looks good for her age (from a distance so to speak) Happy Birthday Ann, I would like to win the lottery and give you some of the £60 odd million that I would win providing you can give me some changes out of a pound dear. X