Posted Sunday 18/08/2019
HAYLE is OFF TODAY//SUNDAY at TRURO at 12.00 noon & St Columb Major at 1.30 pm enjoy both! Hayle Rugby Club Car Boot today is CANCELLED! SUNDAY looks good for TRURO at 12.00 noon and St Columb Major at 1.30 pm! It was absolutely pissing down on most of West Cornwall so I cancelled the Friday Car Boot yet I received 39 calls ‘Is Falmouth on’ 12 of those were from Falmouth itself where I can confirm it was pissing down for most of the daytime. Sorry folks we don’t operate Boot Sales when it is raining, common sense really I suppose. Weather has been a poor advert with our holiday-makers, sorry folks but the next few days are looking good so if you are going away today and the sun then shines here that is so tough but shit like that happens in the real world , don’t it though? Safe journey my luvvers. Now then, back to business please be secure with the items on your stalls we don’t want no nicking neither. Be good to each other and if you have difficult neighbours ask then in for a cup of tea biscuits and a chat to iron out your differences but ‘Oh no you wouldn’t do that would you though’ that’s my thought for the day my birds! Dated picture but it still has the same meaning! Geoff x