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I am an ex smoker of tobacco and nicotine but I do partake of the occasional herbal mixture which you can buy from the health food shops.

It is a dreadful habit to smoke whilst selling at our Car Boot Sales, on Saturday at Mitchell I received a complaint that one lady was actually smoking whilst selling babygrows and bedding!

Today at Falmouth I asked two stallholders ‘dont smoke behind your stall please’

But the one that takes the biscuit was this man who always has a fag hanging out of his gob and he says
“Scuse me Geoff is it alright if I sell fireworks they are bankruptcy stock” I said he could put some on display and I will come and have a look.

When his stall is set up he calls me with a lit fag in his mouth and says “Here are the fireworks I was telling you about” and to save energy he actually blew the ash off his fag into the box of fireworks!

I cannot tell you my actual words about him being an effing stupid PRATT endangering others so he put the stock back into his car and sat inside and SMOKED!!

Back to smoking if you can give it up you certainly will live longer, sadly over our 22 years we have seen countless people ‘for the last time’ as they pay the ultimate sacrifice for smoking!

One convert is our Kim once a heavy smoker she has given up for almost a year and admits she is feeling much healthier!

When Lou gave up she was so bad tempered shouting at me all the time which is when she caught me cheating by having a FAG in the shower she turned the shower on drenched me and took months to get over it.

Anyway from 40 a day I genuinely stopped overnight.

Well, almost you know.


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