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Geoff Says
The News, The Gossip, The Views... Geoff Says


SELLERS who wish to ‘set their stalls up early’ from 10.30 am will be charged an extra £5.00 // All other sellers should arrive at 11.00 am and will set up their stalls from 11.30 am. //

“The CAR BOOT SALES will be held outside in the open and fresh air where possible! You need to keep warm so put your combinations on pet !!

 In rainy conditions we will use the CATTLE PENS which means carrying your selling stock from the loading bay into your 12 x 12 cattle Pens, please keep both gates open for the flow of customers through your stalls”


We are currently looking at an offer from STITHIANS to run Car Boot Sales and other events with INDOOR FLEA MARKETS text me; Geoff @ 078 078 078 88 or Contact our Facebook page please.

Thank you to all buyers and sellers for your  SUPPORT during some rotten Cornish Weather in 2024 lets go for it in 2025

A big thank-you to Amelia who has been looking after FACE BOOK!! A superb job and getting lots of approval from readers.

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SUNDAYS at TRURO (all weather location) at 12.00 noon, also on SUNDAY we are at St COLUMB MAJOR at 2.00 pm where it’s good to sell at and great for BARGAINS to buy! ENJOY but do not allow petty pilferers to pinch from your stalls or from your wallets! PAY ATTENTION to your own security anywhere in CORNWALL!

“12 NEW ‘Geoff Says BLOGS’ added RUDE CRUDE ideal for you DUDE !

Kamala Harris has beaten the **** shi t out of Madman TRUMP she went for the Jugular! Madame President, I do believe!!

Thought for the day; Be proud to be in CORNWALL the best place to live in the whole world where we do everything ‘drectly’ my lovely, my way of living, take your time, there is no rush, take a Spliff, chill man ffs! Geoff.

May, I on behalf of Car Boots Cornwall welcome tourists to our Car Boot Sales. Dogs are welcome we need to see your empty poo bags on arrival, if your dog has had a crap it is your responsibility to pick it up and ‘dump’ it into your poo bags then take it home with you and ‘dump’ it into your neighbours bin because you brought it with you, didn’t you though? Enjoy your stay with us. We love our tourists of all colours of their paper dosh mate, so spend spend SPEND ffs, Geoff. X Please x. Abbreviation ffs = Friendly Farmers Society!

Our Car Boot Sales as listed below!!

SUNDAYS at TRURO at 12.00 noon


TUESDAYS AT NEWQUAY (TR8 4NY) @ 12.00 noon

This THURSDAYS at NEWQUAY (TR8 4NY) @ 12.00 noon

FRIDAYS at St COLUMB MAJOR (TR8 4JA)  END OF SEASON  10.30 am in 2025

SATURDAYS at MITCHELL (TR8 5FD) at 12.00 noon

All BANK HOLIDAY MONDAYS at TRURO at 12.00 noon & at St COLUMB MAJOR at 2.00 pm!!

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RULES IS RULES whoever you are!!

And so, It is written in the rules that NO PERSONS are allowed behind your selling stall other than you and your your partner and I will enforce the ruling by BARRING any offenders! Why? Because over 35 years we have had various incidents fs where items have been stolen by fellow sellers ffs or indeed by family members wtf from behind sellers stalls! The area you are entitled to is the size you need, just for you and your partner, that is the area of your selling to the buyers and general public! In your interest keep everyone away from behind your stall, please abide by this ruling!


Now then! To people who are disabled and are the Blue Pass holders which is a total privilege, by the way, I am one of those holders and I would never abuse the system nor make demands for privileged parking fs! Now then, I am speaking to some of the old farts passholders who arrive later than the start time, they pay their ONE POUND thinking they have just bought the entire parking lot ffs then they make demands of where they will park ffs! But it doesn’t work like that my lovers, we operate on a first come gets the best parking and the late arrival wtf are lucky to get in so guess what? they start getting offensive to my team of ladies who collect your miserable pound and say ‘but I’m disabled’ well so what, so am I ffs but I would never make demands where to frigging park where it is not available in a hugely busy private Car Boot Sale so my answer to the miserable sods who say “I can’t walk” ffs! Well my lovers, you are out in the country gods chosen country of CORNWALL  getting clean fresh air and your doctors would approve of you getting some exercise so do not be rude to my team members or you can stick your pound where the sun don’t shine my birds and stay at home and have a moan at someone else, be happy fs, you are alive in the best place to live in this world of ours! Bless your darling hearts. (two faced bugger) I think I’m going to puke up dears!! And guess what, the real moaners are true red blooded CORNISH born and ill-bred ffs. Loves! Geoff. XX

Now then, secret eating of CRISPS ffs because over the years CRISPS contribute to you having an enlarged belly mate and your belly button has suddenly disappeared so there is NO WAY BACK, deal with it ffs NOW! You now need to have your food intake reduced to eating every other day. which works if you keep to the rules, but it makes you a right miserable bustard to live with ffs! Love U. x  Feedback comment    “So it’s back to Crisps then!”   Shirly Knott from Redruth.

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LATEST; THREE New ‘Geoff Says’ Blogs & Read my EMAIL received today on ‘GEOFF SAYS’ Enjoy your day, WTF (with the family) ffs (Friendly Farmers Society)

This Weekend! SATURDAY at MITCHELL at 12 noon/PENRYN CAMPUS 2.00 pm SUNDAY at TRURO at 12.00 noon & St Columb MAJOR at 2.00 pm. ENJOY!!

“WARNING!! Do not buy cigarettes from any persons at our Car Boot Sales they are totally unhealthy fags mate cos they were made in the backstreets and all sorts of shite including phooey aromas that hopefully will make you puke up ffs! Don’t go there! Louise barred a thug seller as our real customers had complained he was trying to hard sell these fowl fags ffs! Why not give up fags, take a toke instead?

Enjoy your day enjoy your life come to one or all of our Car Boot Sales for the fresh CORNISH air and the opportunity of THOUSANDS of BARGAINS and mix with really nice people, well some on em!

Geoff & the teams. X

Read this to yourself, learn it challenge your grand-parents (with their teeth in) to read it without swearing !!

SAY IT FAST and LOUD! I’m not a pheasant  plucker, I’m the pheasant plucker’s son, I’m only plucking pheasant’s, Till the pheasant plucker comes !!