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Its the end of hibernation and time to lose some of the extra pounds we have put on doing sod all during the last few weeks and get out and about!
I have 3 Car Boots for you this week so come out and get some exercise my lovers!
Bring the old man he will be useful to carry the shopping and if you are selling here is a good tip!
Over the past 3 years we have a lot of Europeans come to our Car Boot Sales and they are very good buyers, they are prepared to barter but stand your ground for fair prices. What they are looking for is decent footwear for all the family but most of all they are looking for CLOTHES!!
Clothes and more clothes and particularly warm winter clothes and boots and shoes for all members of their families. If you bring decent clean clothes to sell you should sell at good prices but if you bring scruff-stuff you wont sell! Remember dont say ‘Its only been worn once’ which means balls in cornish!

Back officially from holidays now more to follow and we are having a country wide Car Boot Sale forum soon on this website.
Great year ahead…….our 23rd year!
Geoff & Lou

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New Year Day Resolutions!

Great to see everyone today even though only 6 sellers arrived in the ‘piss poor’ weather it was a FREE day for all concerned and the six certainly took money.

All sorts of ideas for New Years resolutions from giving up chocolate, smoking, drinking, BINGO, gambling, texting and SKY but the best one has to be ‘I am cutting up my CREDIT CARDS and I dont give a FLUCK’ What a brilliant idea but you dont need them at the Car Boot Sales anyway….fetch the scissors Mother!

Thank you for your support today.


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Here are seven Happy New Year young ladies taken from the Cornwall Car Boots fictional Calender 2012 for the month of July.
Left to right are;
Marge, Kim, Pat, Anne, Louise, Sarah & Rachel

Happy New Year to all,



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Before we started the Car Boot Sales we used to celebrate Christmas like everyone else buying presents and cards. The cards and wrapping papers went in the bin and most of the ‘pressies’ ended up in our great recycling bin the Car Boot Sales.

A kid I know saved up his pocket money to buy (under protest) his Mum a pair slippers for Christmas from Marks & Sparks at £22.00
A few days later he was at the boot sale and saw an identical pair of slippers same size brand new for £2.00
Mother had worn the slippers too late to get a refund but the kid was highly pissed off!

I’m sorry to laugh at this but he was a right ‘cocky little brat’ who knew everything or so he thought!


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MABEFEST 2011 20 + pictures

Which location for 2012 certainly NOT MABE!
Change of name this week.
The show and day were a huge success but the turnout was less than we targeted through absolutely NO fault of our teams.

Without notice after 14 years at MABE we were told that BRAD PITS film was taking over the fields for 3 weeks. We were offered lower fields but our history and my previous refusals to use these fields involved a 3 ambulance pile up in the interest of PUBLIC SAFETY we refused.

It was a great experience for Lee Miles and myself in partnership on this one but the landlord played a huge part in the outcome.

Enjoy the pictures hopefully you will join us next August Bank Holiday SUNDAY-MONDAY!


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BULLY BOY Barred! 3 pictures.

Ths man over several years has tried to BULLY his way around the simple rules of our Car Boot Sales, he continueously buys and sells before the start of the sales and his agressive attitude towards my team is unaceptable.
He expresses a hate for the general public and other sellers, regular complaints leave me with no alternative. He is BARRED!

See posting; 07.12 2011
He has extreme loyalty to his gut and little respect for others.
Anyone you know?

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